
Would be very nice to have a development wiki in order to get things going
on the new XWiki.org proposal:
Maybe Vincent can help with this? :)

Since the redesign is quite big and lots of spaces|panels|styles need to be
changed, morphing the current xwiki.org on the go would be quite difficult.
So, having the development wiki would be much easier to work decentralized
on different parts of it when people have time.

There are lot of areas of the proposal that are not covered and would be
really great to receive proposals and help from other members of the
Also the implementation needs volunteers :) so any help is appreciated.  We
will also use the new xwiki.org logo proposed by the community, so having
all this ideas come together and be put into action is very exciting.

Thanks for the support,

- Original Proposal mail: http://markmail.org/message/4erqdhwuzvmtts6p
- Logo Challenge mail: http://markmail.org/thread/bze35tdm4iojnafa
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