Hi All,

I was playing with the faq tutorial and created my application based on that 
article. Now I have several 
questions regarding that example:

1. Is it possible to exclude a certain object from displaying in the livetable, 
I mean how to achieve 
something like that:

#set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name = doc.fullName and 
obj.className = 'FAQ.FAQClass' and 
obj.name <> 'FAQ.FAQTemplate'")

I don't want to have an empty template object listed in my table.

2. I've created a template with several text areas and one static list. Then I 
tried to create a livetable 
out of this and when I choose to create a columns with the properties from text 
areas ( i.e. wykonawcy ) 
nothing is listed. Everything is fine in case of using only the static list 
(dzial_pcss) property:

#set($columns = ["dzial_pcss", "doc.creationDate", "_actions"])
#set($columnsProperties = {
  "dzial_pcss" : { "displayName" : "DziaƂ PCSS" },
   "_actions" : {"actions": ["edit","delete"]}
#set($options = {
    "rowCount": 10
#livetable("userdirectory" $columns $columnsProperties $options)


#set($columns = ["wykonawcy", "doc.creationDate", "_actions"])
#set($columnsProperties = {
  "wykonawcy" : { "displayName" : "Wykonawcy" },
   "_actions" : {"actions": ["edit","delete"]}
#set($options = {
    "rowCount": 10
#livetable("userdirectory1" $columns $columnsProperties $options)


Here is the definition of my template class:

3. How to use the translationPrefix properly - is it for getting the pretty 
names for the headers - I'm 
confused about that. Is the only way of setting the header names to use the 
"displayName" prop for the 
columnsProperties ?

4. I have also tried the custom code both for creating new entries and 
displaying object with the use of sql 
queries. Is it possible to create something similar to the _actions column we 
can use in the livetable, but 
directly in the velocity code ( I mean how to access to the 'edit' 'delete' 
links ).

Thanks in advance :)


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