Hi Roman,

Thanks a lot for your feedback. Lots of good points.

It's also good to see that you like the way XWiki is being developed! :)

At some point, we should put on a wiki page all the good ideas that emerged 
from this thread.


On Jan 19, 2011, at 3:15 PM, coldserenity wrote:

> Hi Sergiu,
> Thanks for the interesting story :)
> * How can we help speed up the growth of the community?
> Continue doing this brilliant work you do. And ...
> * How can we attract more developers outside XWiki SAS?
> ... here's a list of some ideas (might contain crazy ones)
> * First thing is to bring more users (see
> http://www.google.com/trends?q=xwiki%2C+foswiki%2C+twiki%2C+confluence )
> among which new developers shall emerge
> * At many points XWiki is more powerful than Confluence, outline them
> * You have to populate the knowledge about XWiki to the Community
> * If you want to attract developers, advertize among developers 
> * Advertize with features developers and development teams like
> * Probably advertize XWiki (sourceforge, apache, codehaus) through ads
> * Try to convince Apache (or at least projects within Apache you have close
> relations with), Codehaus etc. to host it's numerous docs on XWiki
> * XWiki functionality as a document storage is more than sufficient. Build
> more applications on top of it (e.g. agile tools, project management tools)
> to attract more users. (another e.g. we try to use XWiki for storing all the
> knowledge about our project, including meetings, user stories etc. It would
> be nice to bring in some agile features like meeting minutes, product
> backlog, integration with Jira)
> * Ability to build applications on top of XWiki is its main advantage you
> have to extend and advertise to a wide community.
> * If I owned a software development company I'd send my
> developers/managers/architects for internship on XWiki for 3-6 iteration
> cycles to learn all that cool things you do. Maybe I'm not the only one?
> Some concerns
> * Main XWiki competitor is Confluence
> * Unfortunately for XWiki, when one buys Jira - he's likely to buy
> Confluence
> * Now is the moment, of truth, XWiki either becomes popular, or vanishes in
> the fight with Confluence (which might start or already started receiving
> features from XWiki)
> * I really hope that XWiki.org will survive not to be either bought by or
> turn into a commercial company (like Compass and EHCache were somewhere in
> the past). It so demotivating for the open-source committer that someone has
> used his hard and volunteer work to get richer.
> Some major points from the story below
> * SearchEngineOptimization matters
> (http://www.google.com.ua/search?q=wiki+engine)
> * Project Homepage UI matters
> * Project UI matters (and currently its good, keep an eye on it ;) )
> * Ease of installation matters
> * Ease of configuration / Hot configuration (ability to change smth without
> restarting the server) matters. And currently its the way you go (plugin
> management module)
> * Modularity / Extensibility (with numerous plug-ins) matter
> * Community (those who are able to support you) matter
> * Documentation / Tutorials matter (thanks for the numerous docs on how to
> setup and tune XWiki)
> * How easy you input your information matters (WYSIWYG + Document import
> rock!)
> * Healthy development process matters
> * Being heard by the community is nice
> * Frequent feature-fruitful releases are nice
> Now I will tell you my story of getting addicted to XWiki. 
> We required a wiki for our project and from all of the available choices we
> initially took FOS Wiki. However having an experience with Attassian
> Confluence, I neither liked the UI nor syntax. Being a Java developer
> (Tomcat/JBoss) I as well hated complex installation of that wiki itself as
> well as plug-ins for it. The structure of that wiki was hard to understand.
> Funny to mention but most of all I hated how it formats the Java code :)
> Soon after we started using FOS Wiki, having that heavy feeling of
> something isn't right I did a quick final random poke for other open-source
> frameworks (preferably Java, where I could develop the feature I miss or
> patch the bug I find). I must say that XWiki was far not the first one I
> found but ...
> I was conquered with sweet-as-a-candy design of XWiki site (Toucan Skin at
> that moment).
> So I quickly downloaded the installer, set it up on my local machine and
> started getting more and more astonished with the nice features XWiki
> provided. Just to name few
>   * It had more logical (or at least more obvious) organization of
> documents
>   * Eye-pleasing UI
>   * Easy installation
>   * A ton of plugins and extension
>   * All was configurable and in many cases even from UI without the need to
> restart the server
> Hell, I was even capable to hack (patch) the code colorer library to use
> styles I wanted (later was added as config parameter)!
>   * The syntax 2.0 was nice (again, thanks for the recent emoticons feature
> :) ) and the code from WYSIWYG editor came out clean and shining. 
>   * ... and logical addition is the Word documents import (no more
> download/edit/reupload attachments!!!)
> That was EXACTLY what I was looking for!
> And then I've learned programming abilities of XWiki which made me totally
> convinced that it's the most advanced open source wiki tool available.
> I have subscribed to the mailing list, and followed how the process of
> development was organized.
> It was another pleasant surprise. Starting from the ability to participate
> in decisions like voting for/discussing UI/Code enhancements and ending with
> how often the releases were made and how well iterative time-boxed approach
> was applied (especially taking into account that team is distributed).
> Modular structure (obviously inspired by close relationships with Maven ;) )
> of the project and how well it has been architected for modularity deserves
> separate words. From development point of view, your project is Perfect. It
> would be very nice for a junior developer, junior software architect, junior
> PM to work in such team to get that knowledge. So one thing you could do is
> to establish a sort of courses for developers from other companies. 
> The community turned out to be responsive and I was able to solve any issue
> I had with XWiki (quite few I must say).
> I also like the amount and quality of various documentation (from user to
> development guides) that helped me a lot not to post dummy FAQs on users
> mailing list.
> Being so fond of XWiki why wouldn't I become a constantly available
> contributor? In my case the factors are time and inspiration. Most of the
> time I either come home late and tired or don't have an inspiration. E.g.
> while I write this message it's far after the midnight on my clock. I would
> need to be a real geek, to start coding ... whom, I guess, I'm not, like
> many other XWiki users.
> However I do feel there are things (above) that are going to attract
> people.
> * Is there anybody that would like contribute more / become a committer?
> I wish my employer would send me for internship on XWiki ;)
> * Do users believe that a foundation on top of XWiki will help attract more
> developers?
> If the foundation will be responsible ONLY for managing donations that would
> go to donation-driven feature development. But you don't need a whole
> foundation for it, right?
> * Do you (the community) think this is a good idea and it would help?
> It is definitely attractive. Yet code quality might suffer, because employee
> working for money is different from open source contributor working for
> beauty
> * Would you be willing to contribute/donate to the project?
> Money donation did cross my mind when I opened Sergiu's page :)
> Well, I try to contribute to XWiki when I have time/inspiration (like this
> post). Not more nor less.
> Dear reader, hope you did not get too bored by now. Thanks for reading it
> all.
> Regards,
> Roman
> -- 
> View this message in context: 
> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/State-of-the-XWiki-Community-tp5919692p5939808.html
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