I've recently deployed XWiki (3.1m1) in a Tomcat 6 container, and was
playing around with the editing features when I noticed that the WYSIWYG
editor menu, which is supposed to sit right above the editor toolbar, is
missing.  I've been unsuccessful in finding any posts regarding this issue,
and there doesn't seem to be very much information in the documentation
about it.  Is there something that I need to do to enable it? or maybe I've
done something wrong.  Perhaps someone can provide some hints to help.

In a similar note which may or may not be related, I've also noticed that
the Styles widget on the toolbar does not work.  I noticed that for most
buttons (features according to the docs), after you have added the
appropriate plugin, the feature name autofills when you begin typing its
name.  This never happened with the "style" plugin's "stylename" feature.
If I fill it out, the Style select box appears but does not contain any

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