On 07/22/2011 08:56 AM, Tim Jones wrote:
> When using the  Watchlist Application in XWiki Enterprise 3.1 with Enterprise 
> Manager,  the changed document links in the notification emails have 
> incorrect URLs
> There are 2 problems:
> duplicated "/bin/" element in link URL
> e.g. http://subwiki.server.com/bin/bin/view/SpaceName/PageName

This might be caused by an incorrect configuration in the httpd 
frontend. I guess you're trying to shorten URLs by rewriting URLs, right?

> incorrect wiki
> e.g. changed doc in wiki#1, but server component of link url points to wiki#2

Is either of these the main wiki? Does it always happen in the same way, 
like wiki#1 is the main wiki, and wiki#2 is one of the virtual wikis?

> We are using both global and local users in the subwikis.

Do these problems happen for both kinds of users?

> Using tomcat 7 with mysql (both setup as in install guide)
> Everything else works fine.
> Has anyone any idea what is going wrong and how I might correct?

One possibility is that the main wiki doesn't have a proper wiki 
descriptor, thus its own base URL is not explicitly set. When this 
happens, the URL factory gets initialized with values from the first URL 
that is accessed when the application starts, and so it could wrongly 
set an URL used for a virtual wiki as the base for the main wiki.

> Thanks,
> Tim

Sergiu Dumitriu
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