On 27 Jul 2011, at 01:59, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:

> On 07/26/2011 09:49 AM, Tim Jones wrote:
>> Sergiu,
>> Thanks very much for your response.
>> I have answered your questions inline below
>> On 24 Jul 2011, at 23:32, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>>> On 07/22/2011 08:56 AM, Tim Jones wrote:
>>>> When using the  Watchlist Application in XWiki Enterprise 3.1 with 
>>>> Enterprise Manager,  the changed document links in the notification emails 
>>>> have incorrect URLs
>>>> There are 2 problems:
>>>> duplicated "/bin/" element in link URL
>>>> e.g. http://subwiki.server.com/bin/bin/view/SpaceName/PageName
>>> This might be caused by an incorrect configuration in the httpd
>>> frontend. I guess you're trying to shorten URLs by rewriting URLs, right?
>> Actually no, in Apache I am merely using ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse to 
>> map / to the correct server and port :
>>        ProxyPass / http://localhost:8888/
>>        ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8888/
>>        ProxyPreserveHost on
>> I am not using mod_rewrite at all
>> Incidentally xwiki application is in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/xwiki - it is not 
>> the ROOT app.
>> I have also *not* modified web.xml to do anything non-standard
>>>> incorrect wiki
>>>> e.g. changed doc in wiki#1, but server component of link url points to 
>>>> wiki#2
>>> Is either of these the main wiki? Does it always happen in the same way,
>>> like wiki#1 is the main wiki, and wiki#2 is one of the virtual wikis?
>> It seems to consistently map doc change events in the main wikis to one of 
>> the subwikis in the URL of the link to the modified document..
>> N.B. This is despite actually naming the correct (main) Wiki correctly 
>> higher up in the notification email (i.e. next to the world icon)
>> The links to changed documents in the other subwiki are correct.
>> The links to changed documents in the subwiki to which notifications from 
>> the main wiki are being incorrectly ascribed are correct.
>>>> We are using both global and local users in the subwikis.
>>> Do these problems happen for both kinds of users?
>> Since the links to changed documents,which are being incorrectly ascribed to 
>> the alias of a subwiki, are in the main wiki, there are no local users 
>> affected (as users in the main wiki are global)
>>>> Using tomcat 7 with mysql (both setup as in install guide)
>>>> Everything else works fine.
>>>> Has anyone any idea what is going wrong and how I might correct?
>>> One possibility is that the main wiki doesn't have a proper wiki
>>> descriptor, thus its own base URL is not explicitly set. When this
>>> happens, the URL factory gets initialized with values from the first URL
>>> that is accessed when the application starts, and so it could wrongly
>>> set an URL used for a virtual wiki as the base for the main wiki.
>> The fields in the WikiManager entry for the main wiki (at 
>> http://server.domain.co/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiServerXwiki) all seem correct
>> What should I be looking for and correcting?
> Edit webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg and search for the section about 
> xwiki.home; uncomment and set a proper value for it. Restart Tomcat, and 

Great - that's fixed the problem with the wrong wiki being generated for links 
in the main wiki  - Thanks a lot :-)

However, we are still getting the "/bin/bin/" being generated in every link (I 
have not added /bin to the xwiki alias or xwiki.cfg) so the  links are still 
non-functional :-(

Is there somewhere I should look to try to work out what is happening with the 
URL generation?

Thanks for your help,


> see if it works.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Tim
> -- 
> Sergiu Dumitriu
> http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
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