Hi Andrey,

On Sep 14, 2011, at 10:09 PM, Crowd Covered wrote:

> Hi xwiki people,
> Is there a possibility to have something like tags or baselines for complete
> wiki or particular space? What I mean is possibility to use the power of
> navigation between pages as usual with condition that all pages revision in
> this mode would belong to this "tag" or just have modification date not
> later than specified.
> I have noticed "SVN Integration (make it possible to store and edit wiki
> pages in SVN)" in Survey on XWiki Features (
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/SurveyXWikiFeatures), but this
> topic looks obsolete as last modification was done in January 2010.
> Background is that my team currently uses xwiki for requirements management
> on a software project and it is vital to have baselines. Alternatively
> export to PDF/RTF could be used, but firstly it refuses to handle some of
> pages as is (we've created several classes with customized sheets), and
> secondly it would require intensive tailoring of output to get nice laconic
> document (exclude pages that are not relevant, make headers correct
> relevantly to hierarchy, etc.)

I see 2 options:

* Use the existing SVN integration: 
* Export the wiki as a XAR export (it''ll you one XAR file which is a zip file 
containing the full wiki which can be imported in a XWiki instance at any time 
to have a running tagged documentation) when you need to tag.

Hope it helps,

> Greetz,
> Andrey Stoliarov

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