
>> ________________________________________
>> From: users-boun...@xwiki.org [users-boun...@xwiki.org] On Behalf Of mohit 
>> gupta [motgu...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: 13 February 2012 08:54
>> To: XWiki Users
>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Localization configuration in xwiki?
>> Thanks  Ricardo for reply.
>>  I did the same procedure as you suggested( and same is mentioned in the
>> link i earlier mentioned.) But as i edit the page and mention the default
>> language to* fr* instead of *en*  and do save and view, sill i can see the
>> page name and page content in english though labels like
>> comments,history,space,add gets converted to french. Want to know  is
>> page/space contentent translation is not supported in wiki.
>> FYI content is just *This is my first page. *As per my understanding If it
>> content translation was supported, this should have been converted to
>> french as its a very simple line to convert

Content translation means, in this case, that you can translate **on your own** 
your pages and XWiki will be in charge of showing you the right one based on 
the language switch or the configuration of your Internet browser.

Content translation doesn't mean that XWiki will be in charge of translation 
**page contents**. A number of users around the globe keep working on 
translation the strings used in the interface. But no automatic or 
semiautoomatic content translation system has been implemente yet and, I'm 
afraid, is far from being on the top of the list of priorities (but of course 
I'm nobody to say this!!!)



>> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 1:03 PM, <
>> ricardo.julio.rodriguez.fernan...@sergas.es> wrote:

> Good morning!
> ________________________________________
> From: users-boun...@xwiki.org [users-boun...@xwiki.org] On Behalf Of
> mohit gupta [motgu...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 13 February 2012 07:37
> To: XWiki Users
> Subject: [xwiki-users] Localization configuration in xwiki?
> i went through http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/I18N.
> Basically i  want to set the set the language of my wiki as per the value
> of paramter
> language(as explained about appending the language=zz in in the link ) but
> it only convert the label language not the acyual content. For example i
> created the page
> Mypage and put the content as This is my first page(default language is
> english). But now if i change the default language to french only lablels
> like comments
> (to commentaires), history(to historique), Add(to Creer) get changed not
> the page name and content inside it. Still i see the contant as This is my
> first page.Though i was expecting it in french. How to configure so that we
> can change the page name and its content too when changing the default
> language?
> Well, XWiki is magic, but not so magic! You does need to translate the
> content onf your page on your own. To the best of my understanding there is
> not yet an utility to do that job inside XWiki.
> 1. Go to preferences and, under General, set Multi Lingual to YES
> 2. In Languages, list the languages you are ready to translate all or some
> of your pages. Something like this... en, es, gl, fr
> 3. Now, when you edit a page, you have a new panel available named
> Document Translation. It will guide you throug the work done and the work
> to be done: existing translations, default language and translate into any
> language option.
> XWiki will show you a page in your prefered language and, if this
> translation is not available, will show the available ones in the order you
> have set in Languages parameter.
> HTH!
> Ricardo
> --
> Ricardo Rodríguez
> Research Management and Promotion Technician
> Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
> http://www.idisantiago.es
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