Hi Paul,

thanks for your reply.
Yes, you are absolutly right: My "dream" is much more as what was done in i2geo. On the other side, there are two open source projects showing, that's possible. 1. As I mentioned, TWiki is able to show the "changes" made in one language vs. another language
2. OmegaT shows, that it is able to automatically extract sentences.

Maybe here we misunderstood each other:
I do not expect an automatic translation of documents - it is and will be for at least the next years a job for human translators, if you want quality. OmegaT is "just" a tool, which helps the translator to do the job. It contains a database holding all already translated sentences (and words) and if you need to translate a new sentence, OmegaT checks, if a similar sentence was already translated and propose it also for the actual one (with the ability to change the proposal, of course).

XWiki seems to be one of the best Wiki-Implementations if you need multilanguage and high quality export and OmegaT is for translation:
--> I would like to have a "bridge" to connect both.


On 11.02.2012 22:59, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
a little bit of that has been done for internationalization phrases which are 
special documents (organized as properties).

XWiki has l10n.xwiki.org and at i2geo we made the translation-updater tool:

Your feature set is more complete, a lot more.
Where I see a difficulty is at the analysis part.
In another tool, jEditOQMath, I tried to use Google translate; I could somehow create 
bizarre "proper nouns" with the mathematical formulæ islands that were there so 
that Google translate ignores them. Also, I failed keeping a good indenting of the text 

Maybe this can all be done with OmegaT but there are many exceptions there, you 
want to keep the Wiki syntax complete but still process such things as a series 
of word in a link, reinserting the link thereafter.


Le 11 févr. 2012 à 16:27, Chynte a écrit :
I´m searching for a wiki, which allows to generate synchronized multilanguage 
What does that mean for me?
I want to define one lanuage (eg. english) as the "main" language. Every 
document must first be written in the main language. From this basic document we can 
create documents in other languages.
This already works in Xwiki in a nice way.

But what happens, when after a while some changes the document in the main language? I 
found no possibility to mark the documents in other languages as "outdated".
Even more: I would like to get the information, what was changed in the main 
language document to be able to synch the other documents in a fast and 
sufficient manner.

And then I would like to go one step further:
There are several really good CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tools on the 
market. Specially OmegaT (Open Source) is my favorite tool for translation 

So my dream:
If a document in the main language was changed, I get an information about, that the 
documents in other languages are outdated (best would be with a number telling "how 
much outdated" it is).
When I want to synch again one document, I choose the target language and XWiki 
exports all changed sentences to a CAT tool (as already said, OmegaT is my 
After the translation work is done in OmegaT I can import the new translated 
sentences at the right position in the target document in XWiki.

For me, my described dream sounds like as if this will be never possible since 
it sounds so complicate (I´m not a programmer).
I tested lot of different wikis and from what I described here, TWiki had the 
most (except the Workflow with OmegaT).
The big problem for me is, that I found no good way to export documents from 
TWiki to PDF.

What I found with XWiki:
So XWiki is very good in exporting PDF and also can work with multilanguage 
documents but can´t tell me something about the state of the sychronization 
between two documents (and also can´t work together with OmegaT).

Is my description about the features of XWiki right?
Do you see a possibility to add some my wished features (maybe there are some 
extensions I didn´t found)?

Thanks for reply

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