After upgrading to XWiki 3.5 (from 2.6) I noticed that the Lucene search
index was not working properly.   On advice I got in the #xwiki IRC chat, I
shut down the server (Tomcat), deleted the Lucene index directory, and
restarted the server.   Only about 300 of the thousands of pages were
indexed at that point.    I tried re-indexing using the Admin->Search page,
but every time I do that the Admin->Search page gets 'stuck' (won't render).

I saw no errors in the catalina.out log file, and I configured
WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml to enable some more logging to a separate
file... still nothing very informative.

Any ideas what I can do to troubleshoot this?   I'm guessing there's some
page in my wiki database that is causing the re-index process to get stuck.

Thanks in advance,

- Josh
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