I have gone thru
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Logging. As per
logback.xml(inside in MyApp/WEB_INF/classes), looks like it relies on the
fact that container will redirect all the console to logfile automaticcaly.
But it is not happening. I am using tomcat 6.  i want to put all the
possible logs i.e  log.info.log.warn,log.error,log.debug,log.fatal inside
log file

For logging i am using below code snippet
private static final Log log =
declared as insiance variable under AuthServiceImpl.class

then in my public method i am doing the logging as

log.error("Testing AuthServiceImpl  Reply = ");

But its printing the  logs on tomcat console. Guys really i have no idea
how to print the  to file instead of console.Inside logback.xml(inside in
i can see below  setting. I have really no idea what is happening?

Thanks in advance.
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