On 11/05/2013 08:13 AM, Hugo Ahlenius wrote:
> Hugo Ahlenius wrote on 2013-11-04:
>> Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar wrote on 2013-11-04:
>>> If you want to hide most pages to the anonymous user, you need to
>>> "uncheck" the green "view" right checkbox for "Unregistered Users" in
>>> the wiki admin.
>>> This can be overriden on the page level, exactly in the way you did it.
>> Thanks Clemens, that was the case, and lead me one step further. Now an
>> unregistered user can see a page, but not the actual page content, only
>> the heading and footer...
> To add to this - I just checked with firebug - a request for this one public 
> page returns a number of 401 errors - for the CSS among other things, I think!

That is probably because the pages containing the ColorThemes and such are not 
visible to the public.
Actually quite a lot of things in XWiki are just a page - this makes it easier 
to customize, but for the
mixed part public/part private setup you need to make several non-obvious pages 

 This includes:

   Dashboard.WebHome  - to display the Dashboard on the stat page
   Main.Welcome - if using the "include welcome page" widget in the dashboard
   XWiki.DefaultSkin   - for the general layout configuration (see XWiki Admin, 
section "Presentation"
   ColorThemes.DefaultColorTheme   - or what ever color theme you are using - 
see e.g. localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/ColorThemes/

If you make these pages visible to the Anonymous user, do not forget to make 
the visible for the XWikiAllGroup, too,
as otherwise only the Anonymous user (and you as Admin) can see them, and 
normal registered users are locked out ...

Btw, you should see an error message right now like "failed to execute the 
include macro".
If you click in this you should get more info, including the stack trace and a 
longer error message;
this is quite useful most of the time

hope this helps

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