That still won't work. Unfortunately XWiki is too greedy and completely
takes over Solr, assuming that there's only one XWiki instance and that
Solr serves only one purpose, holding that wiki's data. The best way to
make 3 XWiki instances work is to install a separate standalone Solr
webapp, configure the three cores in it, and then configure each XWiki
instance to use the external Solr engine.

On 01/21/2014 11:11 AM, Patrick Moens wrote:
> Hi Marius,
> So it's set in in a stand alone configuration. But I'm
> deploying 3 war ( 3 instances) on a tomcat 6. So, where can I found the
> parameter?
> Patrick
> 2014/1/21 Marius Dumitru Florea <>
>> The documentation for the environment.permanentDirectory configuration
>> parameter says this (in
>> "Note if the system property is set then this property
>> is not used."
>> And is set in
>> # Location where XWiki stores generated data and where database files are.
>> So make sure you don't set in your start script.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Marius
>> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Patrick Moens <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm working on upgrade of our wiki 2.8 to 5.3 and at the same time ,
>> moving
>>> it to a new server with Tomcat and Oracle.
>>> The goal is to have 3 instances of wiki 5.3 on the same container
>> (wikidgt,
>>> wikioat and wikidir) .
>>> I've configured the environment.permanentDirectory in xwiki.proprties
>> with
>>> 3 differents values :
>>> /opt/c/xwiki/data/wikidgt/
>>> /opt/c/xwiki/data/wikioat/
>>> /opt/c/xwiki/data/wikidir/
>>> but when I deploy the first instance (wikidgt), the log shows that the
>> Solr
>>> home directory is :
>> /opt/apache/products/tomcat-6.0.29/inst1_xwiki/work/Catalina/localhost/wikioat/solr
>>> 2014-01-21 15:37:00,420 17788 [http-8180-9] INFO
>>> o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Starting embedded Solr server...
>>> 2014-01-21 15:37:00,447 17815 [http-8180-9] INFO
>>> o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Using Solr home directory:
>> /opt/apache/products/tomcat-6.0.29/inst1_xwiki/work/Catalina/localhost/wikioat/solr
>>> 2014-01-21 15:37:12,536 29904 [http-8180-9] WARN
>>> org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore - New index directory detected: old=null
>> new=/opt/apache/products/tomcat-6.0.29/inst1_xwiki/work/Catalina/localhost/wikioat/solr/./data/index/
>>> 2014-01-21 15:37:21,863 39231 [http-8180-9] INFO
>>> o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Started embedded Solr server.
>>> 2014-01-21 15:37:56,883 74251 [http-8180-9] INFO
>>> or if I understand the configuration of Solr in xwiki. properties , it
>>> shoud be /opt/c/xwiki/data/wikidgt/solr
>>> I tried to add this in the WEB-INF/web.xml file of each XWiki instance,
>>> right after the root <web-app> element:
>>>   <env-entry>
>>>        <env-entry-name>solr/home</env-entry-name>
>>>        <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type>
>>  <env-entry-value>/opt/curia/xwiki/bin/wikidgt/solr</env-entry-value>
>>>   </env-entry>
>>> but got this error (seems it did'nt change the solr home directory but
>> the
>>> solr CoreContainer directory :
>>> 2014-01-21 14:55:23,631 34465 [http-8180-9] INFO
>>> o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Starting embedded Solr server...
>>> 2014-01-21 14:55:23,655 34489 [http-8180-9] INFO
>>> o.x.s.s.i.EmbeddedSolrInstance - Using Solr home directory:
>> /opt/apache/products/tomcat-6.0.29/inst1_xwiki/work/Catalina/localhost/wikioat/solr
>>> 2014-01-21 14:55:26,230 37064 [http-8180-9] ERROR
>>> org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer - Unable to create core: collection1
>>> Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in classpath or
>>> '/opt/curia/xwiki/bin/wikidgt/solr/collection1/conf/',
>>> cwd=/opt/apache/home/tomcat
>>> and if I deploy the second instance , i got an
>> "OverlappingFileLockException*"
>>> *because the solr directory is the same for both instances.
>>> However, other files (e.g., "extension" and "jobs"
>>> directories) are being placed in the correct permanent direcrory.  i.e.,
>> it
>>> is only
>>> SOLR that appears to be picking up an incorrect setting for
>>> "environment.permanentDirectory".
>>> Thanks for help
>>> Patrick

Sergiu Dumitriu
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