The include function is hard to use with some non-us special character like 
french: éèà'ç ...

By example, if I want to include this section: "Séct-io'n 4"  I must use this 
{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="HSE9ct-io27n4"/}}

I must replace special character with unicode code:

Is this a bug?
I can use another way?

NB: anchor  doesn't work with include.


Pascal B

 De : Pascal BASTIEN <>
À : Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <>; XWiki Users 
Envoyé le : Mercredi 12 mars 2014 10h25
Objet : Re: [xwiki-users] Include section doesn't work or wich  documentation I 
must read for xwiki 5.4.2?

Yes but this one "{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="MonAncre3"/}}" 
doesn't working.
I try anchor because some documentation talking about that (xwiki syntax 
version 1 or 2)
Thxs anyway

De : Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <>
À : Pascal BASTIEN <>; XWiki Users <> 
Envoyé le : Mercredi 12 mars 2014 10h11
Objet : Re: [xwiki-users] Include section doesn't work or wich documentation I 
must read for xwiki 5.4.2?


If you look at the {{include}} macro documentation you'll see 
that there is no 'anchor' parameter, only 'section'. That's why you get the 
macro error. Don't use 'anchor', replace it with 'section'. 


>and My Parent page Sandbox » PageParent contain:
>et le contenu de [[Pagefille2 section3>>doc:Pagefille2]]:
>Accès direct à la section: [[Pagefille2 
>{{include document="Pagefille2" anchor="MonAncre3"/}}
>{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="MonAncre3"/}}
>{{include reference="Pagefille2" anchor="MonAncre3"/}}
>{{include document="Pagefille2" section="MonAncre3"/}}
>{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="HSection3"/}}
>Only this link working well "{{include reference="Pagefille2" 
>section="HSection3"/}}"  :-/
>The include macro in wysiwyg  editor return:
>Failed to execute the [include] if we indicate anchor
>Include Macra asking "Document" and "reference". Is it the same? I must fill 
>both textbox?
>Some documentation indicate anchor instruction, another section...
>Thx for your help.
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