On 07/29/2014 05:05 PM, RonHancock wrote:
> Thanks for the response Clemens. I tried adjusting the setting per your
> suggestions with no help. One setting I am seeing I am not seeing in the
> xwiki settings is for security level. On the other server we have a security
> setting for Starttls that I am not seeing a place for in the xwiki.cfg. That
> could be the problem, but I am not positive. Do you think I am on the right
> track and if so, where would I put that? 

I think there is a "xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl" setting which is set to 0 by 
You might want to try to set that to 1 and see if it helps
I think in that case you will have to change the 
xwiki.authentication.ldap.port, too,
as the "secure ldap" will not run on the default 389 port, but most likely 636
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