On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Gerritjan Koekkoek
<gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to understand the new SOLR search (i did not understand the old
> Lucene very well)
> My use-case is the following.
> We have a special FAQ application where the object has, amongst others, the
> following attributes:
> - Subject
> - Topic-group
> - Language
> - Question
> - Answer

> he default search returns page-title/name, but this is in our case a
> non-informational, generated by the system code. So instead of Page name we
> would like to show: Subject

You have 3 options:

(1) Use Velocity to output the value of the subject property in the
FAQ title. See 

(2) I doesn't make sense to have a separate String property to store
the subject when you can store it in the document title.

(3) Customize the entire search page just to change the way the search
results are displayed

> As facets we would like to show Topic-group and Language,

> Default (on entering the page with search box) we would like to set the
> context-language as a search filter... So when reader is reading french the
> result only shows french FAQ (with a french subject title) if english only
> english.
> By checking and unchecking languages in the facets the user could extend or
> reduce the search.

This is already the case with the default search. The context language
is checked by default in the locale facet.  See

> A challenge is the topic field, this is a list with translation key. So if
> user is french-language the list will show french topics, but if he/she
> check english as well in facets things get complicated.
>  We have a business-rule that the english collection of FAQ's is the
> baseline, and most comprehensive. The other languages are only translations
> of the same. So another languages can not have a question not translated.
> So my question is:

> How to define the search


> How to modify the output so page-title is no longer showing

> How to modify facets so only the two fields can be set


Hope this helps,

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