On 01/28/2015 12:11 PM, ricardo.julio.rodriguez.fernan...@sergas.es wrote:
> Good morning!
> I've just updated a 6.3 installation to 6.4 and it seems to me that something 
> went wrong... I think I followed the same steps I successfully did in 
> previous upgrades of the 6.x series, but this time it doesn't work. The 
> process is outlined in the first comment of this page...
> http://atriumkm.idisantiago.es/bin/ICT/XWikiUpgrade
> This time, the last line was not true...
> "The upgrade of the interface will be launched once an administrator log in."
> Nothing happened once I've restarted the server. Thus, I've tried to import 
> the 6.4 xar file. After a number of "bad gateway errors", I managed to import 
> all new files selecting only some pages in a series of import actions. Then, 
> change default Admin password, remove login right to Guest and config again 
> All and Admin groups.
> Almost all seems OK now, but there are at least a couple of issues here...
> 1) The installation keeps telling that it is a 6.3 release. This means that 
> $xwiki.getVersion() is not aware of the update, or that the update has not 
> succeed! You can check it here...

Unless I am mistaken, this version is stored in the property file:


If you still see a 6.3 there it is not unlikely that something with the upgrade 
part on the file system did not succeed.
If your XWiki installation still "thinks" it is 6.3, then the DW to update to 
6.4 will not appear.
(Actually the DW uses the version number found in the  
These should better not differ anyway. )

 In WEB-INF/lib/ all the xwiki-platform-*.jar should have a 6.4 in the 
filename, too. If they do not, something went wrong.

Maybe check first if you really have the 6.4-vesion of the *.war file 
installed, and retry this step of the install if this is not the case.

> http://portal.idisantiago.es
> http://portal.idisantiago.es/xwiki/bin/view/ICT/GetVersion
> 2) All top level links at 
> http://portal.idisantiago.es/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences 
> (Configuration, Email, Look & Feel, ), led to this error...
> http://portal.idisantiago.es/xwiki/bin/download/ICT/Error/UpgradeTo6.4.Release.png
> Please, could you help me with this issues?
> Thanks!
> Ricardo
> --
> Ricardo Rodríguez
> Research Management and Promotion Technician
> Technical Secretariat
> Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
> http://www.idisantiago.es
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