On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Nicolas Delsaux <nicolas.dels...@gmx.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in organization where we have 3 unsynchronized wikis, implemented using
> the software named in subject (ie JSPWiki/DokuWiki/mediawiki).
> I would like to merge their content in one unique wiki, obviously
> implemented using XWiki (due to the excellent interview Vincent Massol and
> Ludovic Dubost gave to the castcodeurs podcast).
> I have seen there are extensions to have content of those legacy wiki
> imported into XWiki.
> However, i'm not sure I understand how they work.
> 1 - JSPWiki to XWiki
> There seems to be an old (?) extension at
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/JSPWiki+To+XWiki+Conversion,
> documented by Vincent Massol. From  what I understand, the Java code in this
> extension has to be compiled independently, and run as a stand-alone program
> on the machine hosting the JSPWiki server. It will generate a XAR that can
> be injected into XWiki. Am I right ? If so, it is hardly an extension of
> XWiki, but rather a companion program (but I'm nitpicking). However, as a
> stand-alone program, isn't it available as an executable JAR somewhere ?
> 2 - Dokuwiki to XWiki
> This time, it's a valid XWiki extension :
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Import+DokuWiki+into+XWiki+Application
> which is easily installable using Extension manager (cool !). However, I
> wonder how it will work with XWiki 6.4.2 ...
> 3 - mediawiki to XWiki
> This time ... it seems like there is no extension. or is it ?

Looks like there is
Last time I had to do that (a long time ago) I used

> bonus - xwiki-OLD to xwiki
> We also have some content in an old (5.0.1) version of XWiki. How do I
> migrate ?
> Conclusion - cheers
> I must confess I had never tried before XWiki, and my first impression is
> that it's a robust and perfectly usable wiki solution. The XWiki team did a
> really impressive work.
> --
> Nicolas Delsaux
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