
I have a problem where users want to highlight text in the WYSIWIG editor and 
press a button on the toolbar to automatically add the {{code}}, {{warning}} 
etc. start and end tags to the text. I know how to add a macro button and to 
style it. But the problem with the macro is that it pops up a form with a text 
area that you then need to fill in with text you want to put inside the tags. 
The behaviour I am looking for is similar to highlighting text and then 
pressing the Bold button on the toolbar.

I have done some digging/searching/googling and found the simpledittoolbar.vm 
and I’ve customised this and added the copy to my skin. I have added the 
following code in the relevant sections and it works perfectly when I click 
Edit>Wiki but it doesn’t show on the toolbar when I click Edit>WYSIWIG. I am 
running XWiki 7.0

#set($discard = $syntax10Elements.add(['code', '{{code}}', '{{/code}}', 
#set($discard = $syntax20Elements.add(['code', '{{code}}', '{{/code}}', 
#set($discard = $confluence10Elements.add(['code', '{{code}}', '{{/code}}', 

So any idea how I can make the button show on the WYSIWIG toolbar? 
Alternatively how do I make the macro execute on the highlighted text?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,


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