Hi Mehdi:

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to modify the way the table of content (toc) macro behaves on
> xwiki, and I have a few questions concerning that.
> 1- Is there anywhere else the macro is defined besides in macros.mv? the
> changes I've made there did not show up on my xwiki instance after I
> restarted it.

is it possible we are talking about different macros?

 a) the "velocity level" macro   #toc(...)
 b) the wiki syntax macro (in wiki pages):  {{toc ..}}

The latter one is implemented as a java component here:


You can override / reimplement components, either as java code:


or as a quick prototype in a wiki page (I am sure there is documentation, 
cannot find that page :( )

you can look at the .../xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/WikiMacros  for a list of "macros 
as wiki pages" installed in your wiki,
and look at the corresponding pages in the obejct editor to see how they are 
put together.

Side Note: If you update your /WEB-INF/xwiki.properties:

velocity.properties = file.resource.loader.cache=false
velocity.properties = velocimacro.library.autoreload=true

you should not need to restart the server to see changes in the *.vm

more side notes:  in the flamingo skin there is a "macro.vm" file that 
"shadows" the one in templates/macros.vm


try appending "?skin=colibri" when viewing pages to use another skin that does 
not overwrite "macros.vm". (assuming that "colibri" is still installed in your 
wiki instance, check the "webapps/xwiki/skins" dir for a "colibri" subdir ...)

> 2- what is the point of macros.txt? I was not able to find documentation
> for what xwiki is doing with that.
> 3- how would you recommend going about writing a new toc macro? I've been
> doing that using velocity on a dedicated xwiki page, but I'm not able to
> call some of the methods that toc macro is using, namely this call:
> #set ($tocData = ${tdoc.getTOC($init, $max, $numbered)})

What is exactly the problem? Is there any error message?  Maybe some of the 
variables are just not initialized?
(that is where velocity trips me usually ...)

hope this helps

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