Hi Mario,

> On 17 Aug 2016, at 10:40, Hofstätter Mario 
> <mario.hofstaet...@automationx.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to create multilingual Pages for the FAQ Application?

No, you’re right, the FAQ application doesn’t support generating FAQ entries in 
multiple languages right now.

> My test xwiki (8.2.1) is set to multilanguage=yes; supported languages=en,de 
> ; default language=en
> If I create a new FAQ question, the WXSIWYG Editor does not provide the 
> ability to translate the page (because it defaults to inline form edit)
> If I open the page in wiki syntax mode, the translation options appear on the 
> right side panel. I may switch language and translate the Page Title but the 
> translated title is not displayed in view mode and furthermore the question 
> content is not shown because it is stored in an FAQCode.FAQClass Object.

Yes, this is a limitation of XWiki: right now xobjects can be translated (see 
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-69). However there are workarounds to make 
the FAQ application support multilingual, see 

You could raise a jira issue at http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/FAQ.


> Are multilingual FAQs possible?
> Thank you.

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