Hi Dennis,

> On 19 Aug 2016, at 11:53, D R <rir....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> as I already ran the migration I don't get the same plan but it still shows
> some previously excluded spaces/pages when re-running the nested pages
> migration application. It shows Main.WebHome as "(unchanged)" and lists
> some spaces below it.

ok so at least we know that the migrator isn’t changing the home page.

> I'm absolutely sure that the issue didn't occur before the nested pages
> migration. After the upgrade to 7.4.4 everything was fine, I did a sanity
> check on all wikis to be sure before running the nested pages migration.
> It's no big deal but I wonder why the
> variable "$services.localization.render('xe.home.title')" won't get
> replaced anymore.

So indeed there must be something that indirectly make this fail. Now, this 
translation key is defined in the ApplicationResources.properties located in 
the oldcore JAR (in your WEB-INF/lib directory) so there’s no way that this is 
not available (unless you overrode that file in WEB-INF/classes).

I can’t think of another reason for the velocity snippet 
"$services.localization.render('xe.home.title’)” to not work.

> Do you have any thoughts on the two questions from my previous email?
> "
> 2.1 Is it safe to delete the old "spaces" and moving the new nested pages
> from the "Web Home" folder to the root?

"After migration I noticed that the spaces that were previously right
below Main stayed but are hidden now.”

I don’t think the migrator does anything regarding hiding pages so this is 
really strange.

I think the best would be if you could provide some way to reproduce all this 
from a clean instance.

> 2.2 Would unchecking this checkbox have avoided the moving to the "Wiki
> Home" sub page?

Add redirection simply means that the pages at the old location (ie for pages 
that have been moved) still exists and redirect to the new locations. So no.

> Maybe I'd prefer restoring a database backup and re-running
> the migration application on one of the sub-wikis with lots of spaces in
> Web Home. Or is it safe to change this via database or something?
> “

It’s never safe to touch the database directly and this is definitely never 
recommended. You have a high risk a breaking stuff in your wiki if you don’t 
master 100% the full database schema.


> Regards,
> Dennis
> 2016-08-19 11:15 GMT+02:00 Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>:
>> Hi Dennis,
>> So I’ve tried to reproduce by doing the following:
>> • Download xwiki-enterprise-jetty-hsqldb-7.0.1.zip and unzip. Start XWiki
>> and access the home page. Stop.
>> * Download xwiki-enterprise-jetty-hsqldb-7.4.4.zip and unzip
>> • Delete xwiki-enterprise-jetty-hsqldb-7.4.4/data and replace it with the
>> data dir from xwiki-enterprise-jetty-hsqldb-7.0.1
>> • Restart and access the home
>> * Install the latest version of the nested pages migrator and compute the
>> plan using the default values
>> I got the following plan:
>> https://www.evernote.com/l/AHfe8gU8sIRIpI0ul3xnHL7jFWFq3QrlG1U
>> As you can see the plan doesn’t touch Main.WebHome in the main wiki.
>> Could you show us your plan?
>> I don’t understand why Main.WebHome would be touched and thus why you’d
>> have the following:
>> "
>> 1. After migrating my main wiki the heading "Wiki Home" was replaced by
>> "$services.localization.render('xe.home.title')". Sub wikis didn't have
>> this side effect. Maybe a bug in the migrator?
>> “
>> Are you sure that you didn’t this issue after the XWiki upgrade and
>> *BEFORE* executing the nested page migrator? Did you get any conflict
>> during the Distribution Wizard execution?
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> On 19 Aug 2016, at 09:16, D R <rir....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Vincent,
>>> I used the default options:
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> [X] Exclude hidden pages
>>> [X] Exclude pages having a class
>>> [ ] Do not move children
>>> [X] Add redirection
>>> [X] Convert preferences
>>> [ ] Convert rights (experimental)
>>> Exclude classes:
>>> XWiki.XWikiUsers,XWiki.XWikiSkins,Panels.PanelClass,Blog.BlogClass,Blog.
>> BlogPostClass,Blog.CategoryClass,ColorThemes.ColorThemeClass,
>> FlamingoThemesCode.ThemeClass,IconThemesCode.IconThemeClass,
>> XWiki.SchedulerJobClass,Menu.MenuClass,XWiki.RedirectClass
>>> Excluded pages:
>>> <empty>
>>> Excluded spaces:
>>> XWiki,Admin,NestedPagesMigration
>>> Included spaces:
>>> <empty>
>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>> Reviewing the options enlightens me concerning my 2nd point. The option
>>> "Add redirection" surely is responsible for this. I have two questions on
>>> this:
>>> 2.1 Is it safe to delete the old "spaces" and moving the new nested pages
>>> from the "Web Home" folder to the root?
>>> 2.2 Would unchecking this checkbox have avoided the moving to the "Wiki
>>> Home" sub page? Maybe I'd prefer restoring a database backup and
>> re-running
>>> the migration application on one of the sub-wikis with lots of spaces in
>>> Web Home. Or is it safe to change this via database or something?
>>> Concerning point 1 I put some general name on the main wiki front page
>> but
>>> a localized variable would surely be nicer.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dennis
>>> 2016-08-18 17:48 GMT+02:00 Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net>:
>>>> Hi Dennis,
>>>>> On 18 Aug 2016, at 12:19, D R <rir....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>> I upgraded XWiki from 7.0.1 to 7.4.4 which went fine.
>>>>> After checking everything is ok I ran the nested pages migration
>>>>> application and noticed some things I have questions on:
>>>>> 1. After migrating my main wiki the heading "Wiki Home" was replaced by
>>>>> "$services.localization.render('xe.home.title')". Sub wikis didn't
>> have
>>>>> this side effect. Maybe a bug in the migrator?
>>>>> 2. After migration I noticed that the spaces that were previously right
>>>>> below Main stayed but are hidden now. In addition all spaces are now
>>>> below
>>>>> the node "XWiki Bereich" (German for "XWiki Space") as nested pages.
>>>>> Creating new pages on the main page are placed right on the main page
>> and
>>>>> directly below the wiki node in the tree.
>>>>> Example:
>>>>> * Home / XWiki Space / Migrated Space / Sub docs
>>>>> * Home / New Page / Sub docs
>>>> Can you explain how you’ve used the migrator (what options you set,
>> etc)?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> In the database they look like this:
>>>>> * xwikidoc
>>>>> ** XWD_NAME: WebHome; XWD_TITLE: Migrated Space; XWD_PARENT:
>>>> Main.WebHome;
>>>>> XWD_WEB: Main.Migrated Space
>>>>> ** XWD_NAME: WebHome; XWD_TITLE: New Page; XWD_PARENT:
>>>>> subwiki:Main.WebHome; XWD_WEB: New Page
>>>>> * xwikispace (2 entries for the migrated space)
>>>>> ** XWS_REFERENCE: Migrated Space; XWS_NAME: Migrated Space; XWS_PARENT:
>>>>> null; XWS_HIDDEN: 1
>>>>> XWS_REFERENCE: Main.Migrated Space; XWS_NAME: Migrated Space;
>>>>> ** XWS_REFERENCE: New Page; XWS_NAME: New Page; XWS_PARENT: null;
>>>>> XWS_HIDDEN: 0
>>>>> I'd like to achieve a "sane" hierarchy which shows the migrated spaces
>>>>> directly under the wiki node but before deleting anything or doing
>>>> database
>>>>> changes I'd like to know the community suggestions.
>>>>> Thanks in advance for some hints.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Dennis
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