On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 3:51 AM, Bryn Jeffries
<bryn.jeffr...@sydney.edu.au> wrote:
> Thomas Mortagne said:
>> As you said yourself it's not installed as dependent package of 
>> xwiki-enterprise.
>> Like the documentation indicate this is to be used only if you plan to setup 
>> a
>> standalone Solr index which is not what XWiki is using by default.
> OK thanks. I didn't find it all that clear from the page I was reading 
> (platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/InstallationViaAPT), perhaps 
> because there's not much info on how Solr fits into the XWiki architecture. 
> But my understanding now is that Solr is the search engine used by XWiki and 
> an embedded server is included within the standard xwiki-enterprise packages, 
> but a standalone server can be used if the xwiki-solr-data package is used to 
> configure it for XWiki. Is that all correct?


Think of Solr as a database. We use an embedded version of Solr by
default to make things easier but putting Solr in a different instance
can be safer in some cases.

>> The error you get have nothing to do with that but you did not gave enough
>> details to know what is wrong, specifically the cause of "Error creating core
>> [xwiki]".
> So it looks like Solr should get set up the first time XWiki is run, but 
> because of the issues with openjdk9 this wasn't happening, and all the errors 
> were being caused by the expected items then not being found. Restarting 
> Tomcat once XWiki successfully started the first time seems to generate no 
> further errors.

Yes Solr is not a big fan of missing files in its home folder and the
best in this case is to delete it (so that XWiki recreate a fresh

> Thanks,
> Bryn
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