Hi XWiki users,

I’m taking my XWiki SAS (http://xwiki.com) employee hat to write to you with 
this email.

XWiki SAS is trying to promote XWiki on getapp.com. Moreover we’re trying to 
get ahead of Confluence there! :)

If you check the following image you’ll see that Confluence is number 12th with 
8 review and XWiki 16th with 6 reviews. We’d love to be able to have more 
reviews: https://www.evernote.com/l/AHcCLqw2oXtCo5p1flzr3grDcou0Zi3ZJ_w

If you want to help promote XWiki you can write a small review of XWiki at:

-Vincent Massol
Hat: XWiki SAS employee
On behalf od XWiki SAS marketing
users mailing list

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