Hi Tobias,

> On 6 Mar 2017, at 10:29, Richter, Tobias <rich...@borsi.de> wrote:
> Hi Willi - 
> I ve used fort he horizontal Navigation the menu Application - for a vertical 
> Application I`ve edited the Navigation panel inside the administration menu..
> Don’t know whether it will help you,
> But that`s my code:
> {{velocity}}
> #panelheader($services.localization.render('xe.panels.navigation'))
> [[{{icon name="files-o" size="2x"/}}Anleitungen>>FileManager.Anleitungen]]
> ----
> [[{{icon name="list" size="2x"/}}Anweisungen>>FileManager.Anweisungen]]
> ----
> [[{{icon name="file-text-o" size="2x"/}}Formulare>>FileManager.Formulare]]
> ----
> [[{{icon name="book" size="2x"/}} Handbücher>>FileManager.Handbücher]]
> ----
> [[{{icon name="file" size="2x"/}}Sonstiges>>FileManager.Sonstiges]]
> ----
> {{/velocity}}

That’s nice. 

One recommendation though: you probably should create your own panel instead of 
reusing an existing one since when you next upgrade you may get some conflict 
if there are also changes in the officially-provided Navigation Panel. Not a 
big issue though, you’ll just need to choose your version over the default one 
if you’re asked to choose. Also I case you need the original Nav panel it might 
be best to keep it as is.


> Cheers,
> Toby
>> Dear All,
>> is it possible to customize the navigation menu in the sidebar, for 
>> example to change the ordering from automatic alphabetical to a manual 
>> order? Would be the extension "Menu Application" the right choice for this?
>> Thank you very much.
>> Best,
>> Willi

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