Expectation is that we setup an additional wiki site that can have users log in directly but that does not work - when you attempt to log in with a valid user ID it provides no error message it just prompts you to log in again.
We setup another wiki on our instance and we are unable to get any users to authenticate to the site. The workaround is to create users as a Global user and add them to the sub-wiki site's XWikiAllGroup. The use case is to establish another Wiki that we can add outside partner's users to it and segregate them from the main wiki site. *The configuration we have for the sub-wiki is as follows:* * Any global user can request to join but an admin must accept Main Wiki is setup for LDAP - the sub-wiki is NOT. xwiki.cfg #-# The following line is used to enable LDAP. See the LDAP section for more detail. xwiki.cfg:322 xwiki.authentication.authclass=org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl LDAP Enable or not LDAP authentication for this wiki. If enabled and configured properly, a local user will be created whenever a LDAP user visit this wiki for the first time. Yes TRY LOCAL LOGIN If ldap authentication fails for any reason, try XWiki DB authentication with the same credentials. Default is yes Yes List of Installed Software xwiki-enterprise-web-9.3.1 jetty-distribution-9.4.4.v20170414 openjdk version "1.8.0_121" mysql-connector-java-5.1.41 mysqld Ver 5.5.54 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server (GPL)) Amazon Linux AMI ( https://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-ami/2017.03-release-notes/) Apache/2.2.31 (Unix) OpenLDAP 2.4.40-12.30.amzn1 Question is - did we miss a configuration step to authenticate the users for the sub-wiki for basic authentication? What configuration files should we look at and what sections of those may have a clue for how this should be configured and function as expected? Thanks