I am aware that Spark 3.20 is not officially released, but I am trying to put 
it to work.

The first thing that I noticed is the following:

the SparkInterpreter is compiled for Scala 2.12.7

Spark 3.2 is compiled for Scala 2.12.15

Unfortunately there are some breaking changes between the two versions (even if 
only the minor version has changed... W.T.F. ??)  that requires a recompiling 
(I hope no code update)..

The first incompatibily I run into is at line 66 of 
    val settings = new Settings()
      "-Yrepl-outdir", s"${outputDir.getAbsolutePath}"), true)

-->    settings.usejavacp.value = true  <--

scala.tools.nsc.Settings.usejavacp was moved since 2.12.13 from AbsSettings to 
MutableSettings, so you  get a runtime error.

I'll make you know if I'll resolve all problems.

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