Anyone on this list able to help out with this request from the UKMA? (This 
message was sent today to the UKMA mailing list.) 



Dear Colleagues: 

I am writing as a matter of urgency to draw your attention to a meeting in 
Washington DC, where it would be very helpful if the case for metric-only 
labelling could be presented as part of the removal of regulatory barriers 
issue. The details are at the bottom of the web page referenced below. It may 
be too late to get a hearing, but it may still be worth a try.

If any of you know anybody within range of DC who could attend, perhaps they 
could be alerted? I would like to think that NIST also have it covered, but it 
may be worth inquiring. 

Looking further ahead, I would suggest that you keep this issue on your radar. 
I hope there will be other opportunities to ensure that the issue is addressed. 

Robin Paice 
Chairman, UK Metric Association 

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