Hey guys,

I have put together a noise figure meter application that uses a USRP as
the sensing device. It started off as a way to measure the NF of the USRP
itself. I have a calibrated noise source from an HP 8970B Noise Figure
Meter. To test the NF of the USRP, I connect the head to the USRP input. My
GNURadio flowgraph maximizes the USRP gain and measures a moving average of
the received power while I switch the noise source on and off. The
difference in the received power level, in addition to the ENR table from
the noise source, can then be used to calculate the NF of the USRP itself
using the y-factor method.

Once you have the NF for the USRP at many frequencies (I test every 50 MHz
from 50 MHz - 6000 MHz), you can modify the same procedure to test the NF
of a Device Under Test (DUT) which is connected between the noise source
and the (now calibrated) USRP. You can use the USRP cal table we generated
in the previous step to derive the NF of the DUT corrected for the NF of
the USRP.

In short, this all works incredibly well and garners very repeatable
results. One complication is that you will see wild NF at certain
frequencies due to local interference like LTE and WIFI. I've also compared
the results to that which the HP device measures and they're very
comparable. ... Except below ~ 1GHz.

And here's the issue - I am seeing higher NF for DUTs below about 1GHz and
particularly worse below 500 MHz. I was hoping someone at Ettus might be
able to shed some light on why this might be. Curiously, the USRPs NF
doesn't seem to be too bad, just the DUT.

I'll note that I am nominally using a B200 for these tests, but I also
tried an E312 just in case the filter banks might help out somehow. I
didn't see a difference - they both had the same problem.

I have used several DUTs for this test, including LNA boards we have
designed ourselves and a Mini-Circuits ZX60-P103LN+ (
https://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/ZX60-P103LN+.pdf). Both seem to exhibit
higher NF when measured with a USRP below 1 GHz. When testing them on the
HP NF meter, the NF is as expected all the way down to 50 MHz.

I have attached the B200 cal data for your enjoyment as well as the
B200-measured ZX60 NF and the HP-measured ZX60. The HP NF meter only goes
up to 1600 MHz, which is why that data file stops there. I was surprised to
see the B200 seemed to have a better NF than the E312, which averaged 8 dB
NF, by the way.
Very Respectfully,

Dan CaJacob
Frequency,Noise ON,Noise OFF,NF
50.000, -136.472, -143.862, 6.570
100.000, -134.111, -142.368, 5.486
150.000, -133.334, -141.574, 5.508
200.000, -133.053, -142.054, 4.626
250.000, -133.068, -140.887, 6.011
300.000, -133.071, -142.151, 4.540
350.000, -132.990, -142.326, 4.250
400.000, -133.367, -142.289, 4.724
450.000, -133.049, -142.387, 4.252
500.000, -133.099, -142.421, 4.272
550.000, -133.312, -142.324, 4.625
600.000, -132.888, -141.866, 4.666
650.000, -133.159, -142.217, 4.577
700.000, -133.280, -142.570, 4.314
750.000, -132.448, -134.620, 14.941
800.000, -133.432, -142.585, 4.474
850.000, -133.411, -142.818, 4.186
900.000, -133.437, -142.720, 4.330
950.000, -133.865, -142.982, 4.519
1000.000, -133.771, -143.113, 4.265
1050.000, -134.097, -143.049, 4.709
1100.000, -134.481, -143.463, 4.674
1150.000, -134.487, -143.448, 4.699
1200.000, -134.837, -143.470, 5.076
1250.000, -135.162, -143.911, 4.942
1300.000, -135.202, -143.826, 5.087
1350.000, -135.499, -144.026, 5.200
1400.000, -135.723, -144.292, 5.151
1450.000, -135.752, -144.191, 5.303
1500.000, -135.799, -143.933, 5.660
1550.000, -135.983, -144.386, 5.345
1600.000, -135.936, -144.217, 5.487
1650.000, -136.055, -144.351, 5.470
1700.000, -136.269, -144.440, 5.616
1750.000, -136.258, -144.428, 5.618
1800.000, -136.686, -144.804, 5.680
1850.000, -136.977, -144.825, 6.001
1900.000, -136.969, -145.039, 5.736
1950.000, -137.084, -142.683, 8.870
2000.000, -137.789, -145.349, 6.347
2050.000, -137.800, -145.279, 6.450
2100.000, -138.521, -145.820, 6.672
2150.000, -138.037, -143.822, 8.624
2200.000, -138.324, -146.292, 5.869
2250.000, -138.322, -146.289, 5.873
2300.000, -138.999, -146.444, 6.505
2350.000, -138.739, -146.595, 6.012
2400.000, -138.524, -146.335, 6.069
2450.000, -138.959, -146.570, 6.312
2500.000, -138.681, -146.484, 6.084
2550.000, -138.529, -146.399, 6.007
2600.000, -138.784, -146.533, 6.155
2650.000, -138.807, -146.355, 6.402
2700.000, -139.190, -146.716, 6.431
2750.000, -139.572, -146.993, 6.561
2800.000, -140.187, -147.132, 7.153
2850.000, -140.921, -147.560, 7.543
2900.000, -141.454, -147.877, 7.824
2950.000, -142.067, -147.822, 8.714
3000.000, -142.869, -148.560, 8.805
3050.000, -143.345, -148.564, 9.468
3100.000, -143.877, -148.922, 9.722
3150.000, -144.308, -149.143, 10.035
3200.000, -144.770, -149.219, 10.627
3250.000, -145.015, -149.377, 10.766
3300.000, -145.155, -149.496, 10.804
3350.000, -145.516, -149.574, 11.263
3400.000, -145.565, -149.566, 11.362
3450.000, -145.478, -149.699, 11.005
3500.000, -145.751, -149.696, 11.460
3550.000, -145.823, -149.834, 11.355
3600.000, -145.556, -149.799, 10.980
3650.000, -145.769, -149.845, 11.254
3700.000, -145.826, -149.907, 11.250
3750.000, -145.665, -149.842, 11.096
3800.000, -145.920, -149.925, 11.382
3850.000, -145.945, -149.898, 11.473
3900.000, -145.954, -149.811, 11.638
3950.000, -146.205, -149.768, 12.154
4000.000, -142.078, -148.109, 8.415
4050.000, -142.259, -148.089, 8.691
4100.000, -142.582, -148.353, 8.777
4150.000, -142.371, -147.603, 9.535
4200.000, -142.700, -148.328, 8.984
4250.000, -142.921, -148.407, 9.188
4300.000, -142.828, -148.396, 9.080
4350.000, -142.804, -148.437, 8.996
4400.000, -142.935, -148.476, 9.129
4450.000, -142.795, -148.379, 9.076
4500.000, -142.581, -148.215, 9.013
4550.000, -142.719, -148.392, 8.965
4600.000, -142.543, -147.929, 9.369
4650.000, -142.501, -148.406, 8.663
4700.000, -142.443, -147.870, 9.323
4750.000, -142.612, -148.207, 9.097
4800.000, -142.693, -148.309, 9.074
4850.000, -142.814, -148.299, 9.260
4900.000, -143.003, -148.525, 9.214
4950.000, -143.382, -148.690, 9.521
5000.000, -143.497, -148.881, 9.419
5050.000, -143.566, -148.836, 9.591
5100.000, -144.008, -148.991, 10.014
5150.000, -143.955, -149.001, 9.931
5200.000, -143.905, -149.010, 9.857
5250.000, -144.259, -149.030, 10.358
5300.000, -144.054, -148.719, 10.527
5350.000, -143.939, -148.768, 10.291
5400.000, -144.203, -148.839, 10.591
5450.000, -144.178, -148.838, 10.563
5500.000, -144.006, -148.776, 10.407
5550.000, -144.221, -148.880, 10.583
5600.000, -144.400, -148.834, 10.939
5650.000, -144.579, -149.136, 10.759
5700.000, -144.744, -149.136, 11.025
5750.000, -145.241, -149.302, 11.567
5800.000, -145.401, -149.305, 11.836
5850.000, -145.632, -149.414, 12.054
5900.000, -146.083, -149.589, 12.550
5950.000, -146.281, -149.792, 12.551
6000.000, -146.480, -149.948, 12.639
Frequency,Insertion Gain,Noise Figure
50000000.000, 25.055, 1.411
100000000.000, 24.831, 0.875
150000000.000, 24.584, 0.549
200000000.000, 24.031, 0.400
250000000.000, 23.358, 0.328
300000000.000, 22.783, 0.262
350000000.000, 22.137, 0.248
400000000.000, 21.427, 0.263
450000000.000, 20.675, 0.355
500000000.000, 20.211, 0.417
550000000.000, 19.583, 0.487
600000000.000, 18.907, 0.606
650000000.000, 18.536, 0.634
700000000.000, 17.867, 0.694
750000000.000, 17.347, 3.477
800000000.000, 17.029, 0.799
850000000.000, 16.554, 0.849
900000000.000, 16.098, 0.922
950000000.000, 15.577, 0.908
1000000000.000, 15.415, 1.006
1050000000.000, 15.013, 0.957
1100000000.000, 14.590, 0.958
1150000000.000, 14.738, 0.950
1200000000.000, 14.199, 0.959
1250000000.000, 13.906, 0.963
1300000000.000, 13.109, 1.002
1350000000.000, 13.048, 0.934
1400000000.000, 12.752, 1.022
1450000000.000, 12.395, 1.336
1500000000.000, 12.142, 1.434
1550000000.000, 12.343, 1.067
1600000000.000, 11.880, 0.984
Frequency,Insertion Gain,Noise Figure
50000000.000, 21.113, 3.952
100000000.000, 19.361, 6.057
150000000.000, 18.648, 5.670
200000000.000, 18.171, 5.441
250000000.000, 18.462, 4.709
300000000.000, 18.106, 4.448
350000000.000, 17.916, 3.861
400000000.000, 18.319, 3.297
450000000.000, 17.709, 3.302
500000000.000, 17.568, 2.581
550000000.000, 17.714, 2.607
600000000.000, 16.995, 2.459
650000000.000, 16.992, 1.987
700000000.000, 16.942, 2.114
750000000.000, 19.130, 1.969
800000000.000, 16.420, 1.700
850000000.000, 16.114, 1.545
900000000.000, 15.432, 1.363
950000000.000, 15.836, 1.494
1000000000.000, 15.000, 1.141
1050000000.000, 14.693, 1.245
1100000000.000, 15.217, 1.139
1150000000.000, 13.782, 1.064
1200000000.000, 13.909, 1.180
1250000000.000, 14.361, 0.981
1300000000.000, 12.611, 1.081
1350000000.000, 13.187, 1.089
1400000000.000, 13.231, 1.108
1450000000.000, 11.575, 1.319
1500000000.000, 12.290, 1.375
1550000000.000, 12.020, 1.108
1600000000.000, 11.428, 0.979
1650000000.000, 11.932, 1.056
1700000000.000, 10.745, 0.977
1750000000.000, 11.256, 0.976
1800000000.000, 10.993, 1.176
1850000000.000, 9.642, 0.885
1900000000.000, 11.114, 1.063
1950000000.000, 10.068, 1.826
2000000000.000, 8.921, 1.010
2050000000.000, 10.603, 1.328
2100000000.000, 9.211, 0.971
2150000000.000, 8.428, 1.504
2200000000.000, 8.294, 1.221
2250000000.000, 10.335, 1.383
2300000000.000, 7.813, 1.130
2350000000.000, 7.656, 1.500
2400000000.000, 9.737, 1.457
2450000000.000, 7.400, 1.546
2500000000.000, 7.363, 1.660
2550000000.000, 8.602, 1.523
2600000000.000, 7.229, 1.531
2650000000.000, 5.328, 12.506
2700000000.000, 7.110, 1.661
2750000000.000, 7.337, 1.606
2800000000.000, 7.238, 1.998
2850000000.000, 5.788, 1.922
2900000000.000, 7.079, 1.955
2950000000.000, 6.856, 2.294
3000000000.000, 5.148, 1.981
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