Hello USRP-users,

I have hit a snag uploading the images required to make my USRP2 function.
I will give a brief description of my setup, what the symptoms are, and
what troubleshooting steps I have taken.

Device: USRP2, serial# 1330
Daughter Card: SBX Rev. 5.1
Operating System: Ubuntu GnuRadio distribution, downloaded via
booted to live environment without any system updates
SDCard: Kingston 2GB SD Card, supplied with USRP2.

Symptoms: After flashing the FPGA and FW images to the provided SDCard, the
fan comes on, but none of the indicator LEDs illuminate on the front panel.
The host system obtains the IP address automatically when
connected to the gigabit ethernet port, but the default IP address does not
respond to ping requests. A ping sweep of the address space
from the host did not find any additional hosts.

Troubleshooting steps: The SDCard appears in the system as two devices:


The instructions were not clear which device should be the target of the
flashing utility, so the first device chosen was /dev/mmcblk0p1.

To obtain the latest images, I ran the uhd_images_downloader command, which
downloaded the 003.009.000-release version of the images to

I used the following commands to burn the roms to the device:

# usrp2_card_burner --dev=/dev/mmcblk0p1
# usrp2_card_burner --dev=/dev/mmcblk0p1

I plugged the SDCard into the socket, and got no indicator LEDs. No
response on the network interface.

To erase the SDCard and start over, I ran the following command:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0p1 bs=8192

I then repeated the above process using /dev/mmcblk0 all unique
permutations of:

Using /dev/mmcblk0
Using /dev/mmcblk0p1
Using the images downloaded using the uhd_images_downloader tool
Using the stock images located at /rofs/usr/local/share/uhd/images
Using a copy of the usrp2_card_burner_gui downloaded from
Using the stock copy of the usrp2_card_burner_gui located at

No change in behavior for any of these from the USRP2.

Is there anything else you guys can recommend I try? Or is this board
toast? :(

This is the first time I have tried to use it, even though I bought it
years ago. Since it's EOL, I'm guessing the return policy on this is not

Thanks in advance!
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