Hi Alejandro,

so, if you want to process streams of data, Matlab alone really isn't
the way to go, if you ask me. With simulink, you might put your matlab
code into a processing block and stream your data through that. The
SDRu toolbox that Mathworks offers has USRP support, so you wouldn't
need GNU Radio. I'm not sure it already supports the twinRX yet, to be

Another option is to take your matlab code, and let matlab generate
C/C++ code from that, and build a GNU Radio block that uses that code.
This might or might not be awkward :)

Personally, I think that a hybrid solution is often the most reasonable
approach: If you have something that needs to be done in real-time, do
it in GNU Radio; if it's analysis that can / should be done afterwards,
do it in Matlab. That is a tool that comes with great, great signal
processing toolboxes!

Notice that four channels of 80 MHz coming from an X310+2×TwinRX is
*very much data* (in fact, it's more than 12 Gbps). Unoptimized .m-code 
will probably not be anything that you want to push this through.

Best regards,

On Thu, 2018-02-08 at 10:51 +0100, ALEJANDRO BLANCO PIZARRO via USRP-
users wrote:
> Dear community,
> I would like to process in Matlab IQ samples generated by a USRP x310
> (2 twinRX) using gnuradio. Instead of saving them in a file and to
> process later, it is possible to send them to matlab and process in
> real time?
> Thank in advance. Best regards,
> Alejandro 
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