On 05/22/2018 11:25 AM, Derek Kozel via USRP-users wrote:
Hello Kunal,

What daughterboard do you have? I do not believe that there is an IQ balance function on the N210. Those functions apply to the E31x, B2xx, and possibly N310 USRPs. There should be a DC notch filter which is selected on and off, but I would have to check to see if that applies to the N210.

What difference in the spectrum are you expecting? What signals are you observing while doing these tests?

The N210 does indeed have DC offset and I/Q balance correction. The I/Q balance correction is based on a calibration file (which is what the cal_*
  utilities are for).

But the DC-offset correction is board agnostic.

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 4:06 PM, kunal sankhe via USRP-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:


    I want to disable automatic calibration of DC offset and IQ
    imbalance in USRP Source block.

    I am aware that I need to pass bool value 'false' as the argument
    to *set_auto_dc_offset* and *set_auto_iq_balance*. The USRP Source
    block itself provide this facility in the tab *FE Corrections*.
    However, it does not seem to work. By providing 0 (boolean false)
    value in Enable DC Offset Correction and Enable IQ Imbalance
    Correction do not disable the automation DC offset and IQ
    Imbalance correction. I tested this with USRP N210 by simply using
    USRP Source block centered at frequency 915MHz connected with WX
    GUI FFT Sink. The spectrum plot does not show any changes in both
    If I want to force these changes in the UHD code
    (usrp_source_impl.cc and usrp_source_impl.h), what changes do I
    need to make?


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