Hi Marcus, everyone,

On 25/11/2018 19:47, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users wrote:
OK, just tried the attached flow-graph in the lab, using:

[mleech@lab ~]$ uhd_usrp_probe --args addr=
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-7); Boost_105400; UHD_4.0.0.rfnoc-devel-702-geec24d7b

The above text suggested to try the rfnoc-devel branch instead of the master branch for uhd/host. With that, I've gotten RFNOC to work, thanks!

Below some further details on what I managed to piece together for now, in case anyone wants to comment.

I'm using the default FPGA image for the X310, which has only the radio and the DDC/DUC blocks for RFNOC, as the images with more blocks are currently unavailable.

RFNOC receiving (with TwinRX) works, but often the frequency doesn't get set correctly on startup. Changing the frequency (e.g. via a QT range slider) regularly causes the command link from PC to USRP to die. Samples from USRP to PC keep flowing, that part is quite stable.

For the TwinRX, the data rate seems to be 100MS/s complex, so the RFNOC Radio block already takes care of converting the samples (real samples, second Nyquist zone on either I or Q ADC input) into complex values.

As a first test, I used the RFNOC Radio Block and DDC to make a tunable WBFM radio, using the 'CORDIC' input to the DDC block to select the station. This works very well now (apart from the issues noted above).

Build process:
Host: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

1) UHD:
git clone http://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd
cd uhd/host
git checkout rfnoc-devel
mkdir build; cd build
make package
sudo dpkg -i uhd_4.0.0.rfnoc-devel-702-geec24d7b_Ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.deb

2) GNU Radio:
git clone --recursive http://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio
cd gnuradio
git checkout maint-3.7
mkdir build; cd build
make package
sudo dpkg -i gnuradio_3.7.13.4_Ubuntu-18.04-x86_64.deb

3) GR-Ettus:
git clone http://github.com/EttusResearch/gr-ettus
cd gr-ettus
mkdir build; cd build

gr-ettus doesn't have a 'make package' target in the Makefile, so I created a package by hand using "fakeroot DESTDIR=`pwd`/fakeroot make install" and then building a Debian package out of that.

Next steps: build an FPGA image with a few more interesting RFNOC blocks.

Regards, Paul Boven.

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