Thanks for digging into that for us, Nick.  Interesting.  As the hardware 
change to rev4 occurred around mid 2011 and the earliest UHD version that 
exists on the <> page is Feb 
2104, what is the likelihood in your opinion that the UHD version will be 
compatible with the rev2/3 hardware from 2011?   

So far I’ve not been successful in reviving the 2014 UHD version so I’m asking 
to determine whether continued effort to do so is likely to yield anything 
positive with respect to interfacing with the 2011 hardware.  


> On May 9, 2019, at 3:06 PM, Nick Foster <> wrote:
> So I really dug into the old archives here and literally pulled an old hard 
> drive out of a closet, and found a copy of the old hardware repository from 
> back in the days when N210 was called "USRP2+". Best that I can tell, we only 
> ever released two versions to the public. We might have sold R3 stickered as 
> R2 -- I don't see anything in the repository that would indicate otherwise. 
> Rev 2/3 was sold until around June or July 2011, when we moved to rev 4. The 
> only firmware/host code changes I can see between any of the versions are 
> that R4 used LVDS clocking to the daughterboard where previous versions used 
> CMOS. So I think you should be able to run r3 firmware on your N210.
> That said, the very very old N210s with very very old firmware might not have 
> used the same safe/production firmware/fpga image arrangement that we later 
> arrived at. The hardware is still fine, but you might be in for a bit of a 
> deep dive to get it all running again.
> If you have a TTL-serial adapter or a logic analyzer that works as such, you 
> can connect to the debug UART header and get printout information from the 
> firmware at boot time. Another good idea would be to take a video of the 
> front panel LEDs as you apply power -- the boot LED lights give good 
> indication of the firmware/FPGA image loading process.
> Nick
> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 1:42 PM Joe Martin via USRP-users 
> < <>> wrote:
> Thanks for the info, Marcus.  However, seeing that Jason went through this 
> last year with a couple of N210 he has it would seem unlikely that all three 
> of the N210 are broken.  That being said and considering what you jus said it 
> seems that I should’ve been able to find some version of UHD that will 
> successfully communicate with the firmware and fpga images stored in the 
> unit;  I have not, using UHD versions from 3.9.0 to 3.14.0.  
> I wanted to try with even earlier versions of UHD but am finding trouble in 
> utilizing UHD v3.4.0 (earliest version I could find) as it seems that 
> “prebuilt” v3.4.0 needs only Ubuntu 10.10 or 11.10 which so far I’m not able 
> to successfully install and run.   Seems we’re running out of option on this 
> one so the Deep Space Exploration Society, who I’m trying to help with this, 
> may have to come to grasps with the notion that their N210 is a true brick. 
> Joe
>> On May 9, 2019, at 2:23 PM, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users 
>> < <>> wrote:
>> On 05/09/2019 04:18 PM, Joe Martin via USRP-users wrote:
>>> Nick, Ian, 
>>> If this unit happens to be incorrectly labeled as a rev 2 N210 and it is 
>>> actually a rev 3 N210, is there hope in being able to load rev 3 firmware 
>>> and fpga images (which I have located previously and tried actually) with 
>>> some available UHD version?  If so, would you be able to tell me which UHD 
>>> version(s) might be able to communicate with it?  
>>> Joe
>> Theoretically, most versions in the last several years should be able to 
>> talk to it.  In *general* UHD never drops support for older hardware,
>>   and tries to maintain compatibility.  Now, it is the case that newer 
>> features are almost never "back-ported", but basic functionality should
>>   always be there.  
>> What this *should* mean is that you should be able to use the firmware tools 
>> once the device is in "safe mode" to get yourself to where you
>>   want to be.  If that doesn't work, that may well mean that the hardware is 
>> broken, and it's unlikely to be economical to repair.
>>>> On May 9, 2019, at 2:12 PM, Joe Martin via USRP-users 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> Okay.  I’ve asserted from the outset that it’s a rev 2, based on the 
>>>> factory label.  Is this N210 a lost cause if it is actually a Rev2 N210? 
>>>> Joe
>>>>> On May 9, 2019, at 2:05 PM, Nick Foster < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Well, it's not a rev 4. It's either 2 or 3 in terms of hardware revision. 
>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 12:58 PM Joe Martin < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> …able to ping successfully.
>>>>>> On May 9, 2019, at 1:54 PM, Joe Martin < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ian, 
>>>>>> Yes, I have tried many times to boot in safe mode, same result 
>>>>>> regardless.  Yes, I am able to pin to successfully. 
>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>>> On May 9, 2019, at 1:47 PM, Joe Martin via USRP-users 
>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ian and Nick, 
>>>>>>> Thanks for the assistance.  Attached are dropbox links to two snapshot 
>>>>>>> photos:  1) the factory label on the back of the N210, showing N210 
>>>>>>> r:2.0 and 2) a top side view of the N210. 
>>>>>>> 1) 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> 2) 
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Seems this unit is indeed a rev 2 N210, yes? 
>>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>>>> On May 9, 2019, at 12:40 PM, Nick Foster < 
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Moreover, the best "tell" is to look at the N210 motherboard. If the 
>>>>>>>> SRAM chip is on the top side, it's a rev 2/3. If the SRAM is on the 
>>>>>>>> bottom side, it's a rev 4. If you send a picture along of the top of 
>>>>>>>> the N210, I can tell you if it's early or late rev.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 11:36 AM Ian Buckley via USRP-users 
>>>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Joe,
>>>>>>>> So I scratched my head about this a little late last night and looked 
>>>>>>>> back through the development repository for the N210 and as far as I 
>>>>>>>> can tell there was never customer facing FPGA code for a Rev2 N210. 
>>>>>>>> Chatting with Matt this morning he shared my feeling that a Rev2 
>>>>>>>> wasn't sold to customers, so I'm curious if you have a unit that has a 
>>>>>>>> factory label that says N210Rev2 or if you have seen "usrp2 rev2.0" on 
>>>>>>>> the PCB (which can be missleading).
>>>>>>>> Also have you tried booting into the safe image and verifying that it 
>>>>>>>> at least pings on
>>>>>>>> If we can conclusively identify which rev of h/w you have I can 
>>>>>>>> probably help further.
>>>>>>>> Ian
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