I've wasted a lot of time on this over the past month with the same
goal and am just now getting up and running using the sd card image at 
and a recent pull from git: commit
6563c53743617215a18542db7d7050a04a0d409d (HEAD, tag: v3.15.0.0-

It seems that Ettus no longer offers pre-compiled RFNoC images. The
good news is that if you have a Linux machine with a lot of disk space
it's pretty easy to get up and running with the free version of Vivado
and build the images yourself for the E310.

The documents you've referenced are well written and still provide good
guidance but are out of date. It's worth some time to go back over the
mailing list archives, particularly the E310-friendly release
"announcement" at 
Even then there are a few key bugs that keep it from working out of the
box but are easy to fix, I've described them in a few posts over the
past few weeks so you might look those up. Gnuradio isn't supported in
this SD image or cross-compile SDK so you won't be able to run those
examples but the UHD interface is pretty good and works for me. If
you're willing to learn how to use something called "Docker" (I don't
have the swap space for that at the moment) you may find that it's
possible to find or create an updated SD image with bugs fixed and
additional packages that you need. I couldn't figure out how Docker
works with the scattered UHD archives and tried to cross-compile the
requred packages myself. I managed to get CPPunit built but then it
wanted more packages that started leading down a dependency rabbit hole
so I decided to abandon Gnuradio for a while.
Given the number of requests just like yours that pop up on the list
and usually go unanswered, it would be really helpful if Ettus
documents known to be misleading and slated for update would be
indicated in some way in the document headers -- or even on an Ettus
blog -- but for now it seems that the best way to learn about important
configuration changes is scan the list often.

Good luck!

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