I believe the indicator light is ultimately driven by the RFNoC radio
block. It turns on when it receives data packets to be transmitted. So if
it doesn't turn on, that likely means no data is making it from the replay
block to the radio block.


On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 9:19 AM <jmalo...@umass.edu> wrote:

> I had customized RFDC IP block in the past, but I have re-installed UHD
> since to try and resolve this transmit issue. I had just compiled it with
> the default settings, except for my custom yml file and custom block. The
> only difference is when I run with vs without the GUI option, without
> transmits. With the GUI option, the light next to the port does not even
> turn on…its strange.
> I guess it would be helpful to know how the indicator light actually
> works, is it directly controlled by the FPGA, or is there a separate
> circuit checks for a voltage on the port, like a voltmeter. Checking the
> verilog, I noticed some indicator LEDs look like they are controlled by the
> FPGA (PPS, QSFP) but I could not see anything regarding the RX/TX
> indicators.
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