Il Wednesday 16 April 2008 10:25:30 SG ha scritto:
> Alessandro Braga ha scritto:
> > scusa ho sbagliato io a scrivere in effetti la cartella era
> > /home/alex/pdf ma in questa cartella non mi viene salvato nulla, ho
> > controllato il file di configurazione della stampante 
> > /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf come suggerito da sg, e ho qualche problema
> > li....
> > grazie della precisazione
> > alex
> Attenzione la cartella deve essere /home/alex/PDF e non /home/alex/pdf.
> Comunque, il file che ti può chiarire il problema  o perlomeno che può
> servire per poterti suggerire soluzioni è /var/log/cups/cups-pdf_log
> (dopo aver cambiato il livello di log nel file di configurazione)

Ecco il risultato di cups-pdf_log
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] switching to new gid (lpadmin)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] initialization finished (v2.4.6)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] user identified (alex)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] output directory name generated 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] spoolfile name created 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] source stream ready
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] destination stream ready 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] owner set for spoolfile 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found beginning of postscript code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] now extracting postscript code
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found title in ps code ((matrimonio))
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
(%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: NimbusSanL-ReguItal 1.06)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
(%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: NimbusSanL-Bold 1.06)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
(%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: NimbusSanL-Regu 1.06)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found embedded (e)ps code 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] found end of embedded (e)ps code (%%EOF)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] all data written to spoolfile 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] trying to use PS title ((matrimonio))
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] removing trailing newlines from title 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] removing enclosing parentheses () from full 
title ((matrimonio))
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] removing special characters from title 
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] title successfully retrieved (matrimonio)
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] input data read from stdin
Wed Apr 16 12:33:38 2008  [DEBUG] output filename created 
Da quanto ne capisco dovrebbe andare tutto bene, ma il file non c'è ????
sarò tonto io! :)

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