> i've been looking at the patch at the utrace.patch at: 
> http://people.redhat.com/roland/utrace/2.6-current/
> hopefully, that's the latest one.

Yes, it's updated frequently.  The .id files tell you what git commit the
patch corresponds to, so we can be mutually clear in making references.
0ef2243a is the utrace branch head at the moment.

> Anyways, i'm still looking it over, but one thing that sticks out for me along
> these lines are the memory barriers and usage of utrace->reporting. It seems
> that this field is being used exclude utrace_control when we are in the middle
> of a callback. however, there aren't any comments about the memory barriers 
> and
> logic here, so its hard for me to tell if its correct...

For some reason I felt sure I'd put some comments about that in a long time ago.
But indeed I see they are not there.  I'll write some up.  This is exactly
why I need you all doing this review!

Thanks very much,

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