I'd vote for either importing chromium's base version, or sticking with the
pure C++ version

On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 3:12 PM <loorong...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 9:05:41 PM UTC+8, Camillo Bruni wrote:
>> FYI, the code in src/builtin/builtin-*-gen.cc  is no longer shipped and
>> is neither performance critical as it is only used to create the code stubs
>> for the snapshot.
> I am aware of that. I noted that in one comment of the CL, but forgot to
> re-mention it again in this thread. src/runtime/runtime-regexp.cc and other
> codes also use a bit of std::function + lambda, so this refactoring will
> still benefit snapshot build slightly.
> By the way, Official Node.js binary is built with snapshot or nosnaphot
> configuration?
>> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 2:52 PM <looro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 8:34:43 PM UTC+8, Jochen Eisinger wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the summary!
>>>> I'm wondering whether you also plan other refactoring work for V8?
>>> No, I only have plan for this refactoring for now.
>>>> Also, why not just import base::Bind and friends from Chromium?
>>> Chromium's implementation uses many other Chromium-specific features
>>> like weak_ptr<>, we might end up introducing more code than V8 actually
>>> needs. As far as I can see, CodeAssemblerCallback seems to be the only use
>>> case of std::function that might benefit from Chromium's Callable<>.
>>>> On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 2:04 PM <looro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi V8 devs,
>>>>> I saw a few functions in src/builtin/builtin-*-gen.cc and
>>>>> src/code-stub-assembler.h uses quite a few std::function as a parameter,
>>>>> then pass lambda function to these functions to avoid code duplication as
>>>>> much as possible. std::function was used because raw function pointer 
>>>>> can't
>>>>> accept lambda function.
>>>>> However, because std::function is really powerful, it comes with a
>>>>> cost in terms of code size and overhead when calling std::function.
>>>>> I am working on introducing function_view to src/base, a lightweight
>>>>> callable reference that can accept normal and lambda function.
>>>>> function_view is adapted from [1]
>>>>> <https://vittorioromeo.info/index/blog/passing_functions_to_functions.html>.
>>>>> I have changed it so that it can be compiled with C++11, which is the
>>>>> minimum compiler support requirement to build Chromium.
>>>>> Note:
>>>>> The callable itself must be alive longer or equal to the life time of
>>>>> function_view object. Therefore, function_view is not a universal
>>>>> replacement for the general-purpose std::function.
>>>>> If you need to store lambda function as class property, std::function
>>>>> is still needed. Use case like [2]
>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/v8/src/compiler/code-assembler.h?type=cs&l=601>
>>>>> cannot be replaced with function_view.
>>>>> Chromium do have a very powerful library to store callback at
>>>>> https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/bind_internal.h
>>>>> (std::function is banned in Chromium).
>>>>> Plan:
>>>>>    - Add base::function_view implementation to src/base/functional.h
>>>>>    - Convert std::function to base::function_view in
>>>>>    src/builtin/builtin-*-gen.cc and maybe other parts of src/* if 
>>>>> appropriate.
>>>>>    Usage of std::function in test/* will be ignored.
>>>>>    - Add documentation.
>>>>>    - Add unittest.
>>>>> src/compiler/s390/instruction-selector-s390.cc also uses a lot of
>>>>> std::function + lambda, but because I can't test on this platform myself, 
>>>>> I
>>>>> don't feel safe to change it. It looks like dry run does not have bot for
>>>>> s390.
>>>>> WIP CL:
>>>>> https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/505653/
>>>>> [1]:
>>>>> https://vittorioromeo.info/index/blog/passing_functions_to_functions.html
>>>>> [2]:
>>>>> https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/v8/src/compiler/code-assembler.h?type=cs&l=601
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> Rong Jie
>>>> --
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>> Camillo Bruni |  Software Engineer, V8 |  Google Germany GmbH |  Erika-Mann
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