Hello there,

I have a question regarding Virtualbox shared folders between a Linux host 
and a Windows10 Guest.
I have searched the internet during 2 days now but I was unable to find any 
answer or possible workaround.

* So by creating a VM manually in VBox GUI, the shared folders work.
* By using Vagrant to define the state of the VM it does not.

Any idea ?

  # == Shared Folders
  config.vm.synced_folder File.absolute_path(dir_name), "/Dir"
  config.vm.synced_folder File.absolute_path(File.join(ENV['HOME'], 
'Documents')), "/HOST_Documents"

-> This does not work ....

Ubuntu 17.10
Virtualbox 5.1.30
Vargant: 2.0.1

Thank you for your help !

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