I don't know if this list is the best indicator of usage...

Anyway, we had Jamie McCracken (its creator) post here as if he doesn't know if anybody is using Genie, and in any case doesn't plan any further enhancements. So, that sounds like Genie dead.

I'm OK with that, of course, but I think the responsible thing to do would be to remove all mention of Genie from the GNOME web site and deprecate its support immediately. It's hard enough to get people on board new languages without having the languages then taken away from them.

But does it really matter if not a lot of people are using Genie now? Well, I think they *should* be using Genie. So many people prefer Python/Ruby-like syntax over anything that looks like Java/C#. The potential is there, Jamie had a brilliant idea, and it would be wonderful to have the rest of the Vala project properly back it.

I gave a video-recorded talk about Genie a while ago and it generated a bit of interest:


(Some problems with sound in the first few minutes, later fixed)


On 08/28/2013 07:50 PM, Steven Oliver wrote:
You're not the first, and sadly, I'm sure, you won't be the last to complain on this list about the state of bugs for Vala. As far as Genie, I don't know what to tell you. Is there a separate mailing list for Genie? I'm not sure i've ever seen a question come across here for it.

Is anyone else on this list a regular user of Genie?

Steven N. Oliver

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