It doesn't seem that Jamie has the capacity -- or any one single person would -- to maintain Genie at the same depth as the Vala dialect. Frankly, fixing serious bugs once a year is not enough for a cutting-edge programming language. And it's falling far behind Vala in features.

After some thinking, I want to make this suggestion: Jamie, or anyone else, would it be possible to write a tool to translate Genie files to Vala? I imagine this would not be too hard with the current Genie parser code. This would allow those of us who invested a lot in Genie an easy transition into the mainline. We would just say that Genie was a brave, terrific experiment that ultimately failed.

An example of one of my huge Genie projects:

That's 17,000+ lines of code in a language that's going to be left behind. Please don't make me rewrite it in Vala. I already rewrote it once from Python to Genie. :/


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