On 2011-01-21 08:59, Stutz Oliver wrote:
> There is not much in the Net about AIX-Valgrind but i have found posts from 
> people who claim that 3.3.0/1 runs.
> The ./configure works Properly for me... but here i get stuck, the question 
> is why is that, i have no clue what the -C stands for otherwise i could 
> eventually replace it.
> [] make
>         make  all-am
>         make -C ../VEX CC="gcc" AR="ar" pub/libvex_guest_offsets.h
> make: Not a recognized flag: C
> usage: make [-einqrst] [-k|-S] [-d[A|adg[1|2]mstv]] [-D variable] [-f 
> makefile ] [-j [jobs]] [variable=value ...] [target ...]
> make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 2.
> Stop.
> make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 2.
> Stop.
> Thanks , Oliver
You're using some (or "the") AIX make command. Try writing a small
wrapper script that passes any and all parameters on to an installed GNU
make and manipulate the PATH before invoking the build, to make sure
your script is found under the name "make" before any other binary/script.

-C in GNU make changes into the directory given as parameter to the switch.

// Oliver

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