On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 09:29 -0400, Matt Broadstone wrote:

> As for doing a db-attach, that seems to have failed as well - I never
> make it to a gdb session. Here is the full output of a db-attach
> valgrind run on TextEdit.app:
> ==76980== ---- Attach to debugger ? --- [Return/N/n/Y/y/C/c] ---- Y
> valgrind: m_debugger.c:238 (ptrace_setregs): Assertion 'Unimplemented
> functionality' failed.
The above assert indicates that --db-attach is not implemented
on darwin.

You could however try the Valgrind gdbserver, which is supposed to
work (at least, I manually tested it on Darwin something like one year
ago on a 3.7.0 SVN).

You could try to investigate why abort is called
by using 2 GDBs to debug:
   * a native run
   * a run under Valgrind
and see at which point/instruction their executions are diverging.
(e.g. put breakpoint in _SCSessionUniverseByUIDAcquireAndLock and
then use stepi or similar.).


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