Hi Dan,

I have one query with regards to the processing of the NestMembers attribute. Originally when I wrote the draft I copied the InnerClasses text and that included prohibiting duplicate entries in NestMembers. You dropped that restriction from the spec (though I haven't yet removed it from the VM). How does that interact with the Class.getNestMembers() API? Should it return the raw NestMembers contents (which may include duplicates - including additional references to "self") or should it return the set of members (ie no duplicates, including self)?


On 2/12/2017 10:41 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
I've uploaded what I believe could be a final spec for nestmates, here:

Since October, changes include:

- Tweaks to the explanatory material in 2.11.8 and 3.7

- Some restructuring of the new 5.4.4 text to be a little less disruptive and more clearly define 
"same nest" and "nest host". There are some subtle behavioral differences 
compared to the previous iteration when errors occur.

- Added an example to 5.4.5 to illustrate transitive overriding


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