On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 5:43 PM Batanun B <bata...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with user defined variables, and when using them in regular 
> string concatenation, and in synch output, it works fine. But I would like to 
> use them in the backend definitions, and I simply can't get it to work.
> backend myBackend {
>     .host = var.get("myBackendHost");
> }
> But that fails with a VCC-compiler error on that line, saying "Expected CSTR 
> got 'var.get'".
> I also tried with the "variable" vmod, but it resulted in the same type of 
> error.
> Is there any way to get this to work? I would really like to have all 
> environment specific configuration (including backend hostnames) in an 
> environment specific vcl file, and then include it in the main vcl where the 
> backend definitions should be (and use the variables).  And I would like to 
> achive this using just VCL (and vmods), so no custom script that does search 
> and replace or anything like that.
> So, I would like something like this to work:
> default.vcl:
> ...
> import var;
> include "environment.vcl";
> backend myBackend {
>     .host = var.get("myBackendHost");
> }
> ...
> environment.vcl:
> sub vcl_init {
>     var.set("myBackendHost", "myHostName");
> }


You can't do that, but you can move the backend definition inside
environment.vcl instead to keep your default.vcl the same across all

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