Hi there,

I just updated to the latest OSE source code (r93349) but I can't get it
to compile on Windows. I receive following error:

Build x86 additions
C:/kBuild/kBuild/footer-inherit-uses-tools.kmk:1012: *** kBuild: Cannot
find include file for the SDK 'WINPSDK71-INCS'! Searched: 
C:/kBuild/kBuild/sdks .  Stop.

I checked in the kbuild folder (also updated to r3541) and I see a
WINPSDK71INCS.kmk there. Renaming the file to WINPSDK71-INCS.kmk fixes
the issue above but soon after compilation fails with tons of compiling
errors in the Windows 10 SDK headers.

The last version that did compile for me was r92744

Any help is highly appreciated!

Thanks, Martin

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