On Fri, 05 Apr 2013 12:08:45 -0700
Geoff Nordli <geo...@gnaa.net> wrote:

> On 13-04-05 07:02 AM, vbox-users wrote:
> >> From: Stephan von Krawczynski [mailto:sk...@ithnet.com]
> >> >
> >>> > >I use zfs (or btrfs) storage, which handles the storage snapshots.  If 
> >>> > >I ever
> >> >need to rollback to a point in time snapshot, the guest machine will boot 
> >> >up,
> >> >think it's rebooting after an unexpected power loss.
> >> >
> >> >That is no real option under linux host.
> >> >zfs is non-existent. btrfs is like roulette and cannot seriously be used 
> >> >in
> >> >production.
> > The OP didn't say you use linux.  Switch to openindiana so you can use zfs 
> > until btrfs is more stable.  I hear that btrfs is stable now - but I 
> > haven't tried it myself recently.
> >
> > Or you could build a new OI machine that shares NFS or iscsi to the linux 
> > guest, so the OI / ZFS machine only handles the storage.
> >
> > If you don't use one of these things, the answer to your question, is 
> > sorry, your only option is LVM snapshot.
> We are using Vbox+OI and it is working well.
> We are using iscsi zvols.
> Make sure you don't use any host caching, pause the VM, take a snapshot, 
> and you will have a consistent image of your data.  It takes a second or 
> two to do it and doesn't cause any interruption for active applications.
> The OI/Illumos/SmartOS/OmniOS is a very, very slick 
> storage+virtualization stack.
> My only complaint, the crossbow network driver which is available on 
> Solaris, can't be enabled on OI.
> Geoff

Hi all,

I feel a need to be more precise on the true nature of the question. My
intention is not only to have a consistent vdi image, but also to have a
consistent backup of the virtual guest. I talked to a friend using VM*are and
how he is taking working backups. Basically he does this:

1. take a snapshot of the guest
2. Backup the snapshot and the virtual drive files
3. delete the snapshot

I checked that with the vbox docs, and to me it looks like that should work
out here, too. Sure you get a partially broken differential vdi image. But
since you go back to the snapshot on restore where the differential image
should be thrown away anyway there should be no negative effect. And the guest
snapshot (machine state) does not change which means it should be no problem
to backup during runtime.
Am I missing something?


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