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On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:13:45AM +1100, Victor Vahe Kevorkian wrote:
> The "VBoxGuestAdditions.iso" file was mounted on the Linux guest's virtual
> CD-ROM drive.
> through (Selecting "Mount CD/DVD-ROM" from the "Devices" menu in the virtual
> machine's menu bar
> and then "CD/DVD-ROM image". This brings up the Virtual Disk Manager)
> So when I "Select"ed the .iso file to download the Guest Additions.
> Nothing happened.

Since you're guest isn't windows, nothing is supposed to happen. What
you've just done, was simply to insert the cd-rom with the guest
additions into the virtual machine's virtual cd-rom drive, (I.E. you
hit the virtual eject button, the virtual cd-rom tray ejected, you put
the disk into the drive virtually, and again hit the virtual eject
button on the drive to close the virtual tray).

> I tested the same procedure with the Windows XP VirtualBox
> and easily the Guest Additions download started and installed.

Like I said, the guest os in this case is windows, that's why.

> Now I read the following in the Help section:
> "Change to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is mounted and execute as
> root:
> sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run"
> What does it mean change to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is
> mounted?HOW?

You're getting ahead of yourself. Before you can do any of that, you
need to actually mount the cd-rom. Remember, up until this point,
you've just inserted the cd into the drive, but you haven't mounted it
yet, so you can't use it. So, in order to mount the cd, from the
terminal you'd type something like this:

mount /cdrom

That should work on most systems, and hopefully it will work on yours
too. For more details, type:

man mount

at the terminal.

Once you've mounted the cd-rom, you can then change to the directory
where the cd-rom is mounted. You'd do this by typing something like:

cd /cdrom

at the terminal. For more details, type

help cd

at the terminal.

> what the sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run got to do with the .iso?

That line actually starts the guest additions installation program.

So, typing the following should hopefully start the guest additions
install for you:

sudo su
mount /cdrom
cd /cdrom
sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run

Then restart your virtual machine, like the program tells you to. I am
going to tell you what I told another poster here a couple of weeks
ago. It seems that you don't have a firm grasp on even the minimum
basics of how to use a GNU/Linux system, based on the questions you're
asking. If you intend to make regular use of a Gnu/Linux system, or a
unix-like system, I would strongly suggest that you read the
documentation for it. Unlike in windows, you will not be able to do
all that you need to do in a GNU/Linux, or a unix system by simply
pointing-and-clicking your way around the visual interface.


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