Laura Reising wrote:
> Hello all!
> > >bash-2.02# netcat localhost 110
> > >
> > ><-- here ist a break about ca 10 seconds !!! -->
> > >
> aaarg! Now, that this prob is solved (thanks to Manuel) I got the same
> prob with qmail (and even more worse) on an other mashine:
> snafu4:~ # netcat localhost 25
> <-- here is a break about ca 1 Minute !!! -->
> 220 snafu4.snafu ESMTP
> 221 snafu4.snafu
> snafu4:~ #
> I found out, that I can fix this prob when I tell the system (SuSE
> Linux 6.1) _not_ to use a Nameserver. But I sometimes need the
> Nameserver!
> Why does snafu4 use the Nameserver when I call a local address? Can I
> forbid this? This is my /etc/hosts:
>       localhost
>     snafu1.snafu    snafu1
>     snafu4.snafu    snafu4
>      mysnafu
> Any ideas? Thank you very mutch.
> Ciao
> Laura

You should use fully qualified hostnames.
snafu4.snafu isn't fully qualified.

edit your /var/qmail/control files and change
any occurance of snafu4.snafu with a real
hostname that will resolve in DNS. Then
restart qmail

Ken Jones

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